world of wanderlust

Changa Manga world Largest | Artifical Forest | Lahore | Pakistan

Changa Manga Jungle

Changa Manga Forest and Wildlife Park

Let’s get to know a little more about the location of Changa Manga forest. Found in Kasur District, about 80 km southwest of Lahore, the wildlife reserve is accessible via the National Highway 5 (N-5) when travelling to Sahiwal or vice versa. Since the forest site covers around 12,510 acres of land, Changa Manga is recognized as the largest wildlife reserve in Pakistan.

Changa Manga Park existence preserved by the Punjab Forest Department, Kasur Forest Division is one of the very few parks for out-door restitution in Pakistan. Every month about large number of peoples from all walks of life holiday this spot. Due to lack of recreation amenities in the Province in general and the touching areas of Lahore in Specific, it has over the years become one of the most normally stayed parks in the country. Some amenities for restitution in the form of Lunar Lake for yachting, a pagoda, sinch lawns, deferrals and plank bridges, swimming pool, small zoo and the wild life parks which are connected by a Tramline have been established from the possessions of the Forest the situation. In adding there is four bed room Motel and the new four cribs and five bed Forest Rest Houses for invitees. Due to monetary restraint, most of these amenities has agonized a holdup and are not preserved in the obligatory values. Keeping in opinion the number of invitees

Location Of Changa Manga

Best Route To Get To Changa Manga Wildlife

From Islamabad: Via Lahore-Islamabad M2 Motorway (437 km, roughly a 5-hour drive)

From Lahore: Via N-5 Highway (80 km, a little less than a two-hour drive)

From Sahiwal: Via N-5 Highway (110 km, around a two-hour drive)

From Multan: Via M4 and Lahore’s M3 Motorway (approximately 310 km, roughly a 4-hour drive)

The following facilities are available in Changa Manga Park:

Children Contraptions

Log Houses

Children Cars

Motor Boats

Grassy Lawn


Go camping Sites

Jogging Tracks


Water Coolers

Rainy Shed

Metaled Road


Forest Train

Jungle Train enroutes from DFO office to Motel Rest Houses and ownward to Lunar Lake and back. Timings from morning to evening on all Sundays and other gazzeted holidays. The fair for children is Rs. 20/ each and for adults Rs. 40/ each were as special booking for Rs. 400 per hour per bogi also accessible.

Jungle Train


Wildlife zoo have been well-known to maintain wild animals in incarceration in a state as close to nature as possible for precise  public restitution and education . Breeding of wild animals in imprisonment is another impartial of zoo founding. Presently different types of birds and mammals are part of the zoo which includes blue bull, Monkey, Urial, spotted deer, Peacock and Partridges etc.

Lunar Lake

A very attractive wooden conduit has been constructed on lunar lake in 1970. This conduit was intended and built with the help of Army Engineers. This solitary span bond droopy with the help of steel pulleys in the lane without supports and is dyed with colorful and is the most stimulating item in the plantation. One swings as one walks. The teenagers both boys and girls obtain trance as they tread on it and the old have scornful grim on their faces.


Two stories Wooden Pagoda made in the lake which look like Buddhist Pagoda stands on Kikar wood pillars. The construction consists of two stories and is a beautiful wood lock testimonial. Painting with multicolor added to its elegance.

Changa Manga Farmstead

Changa Manga Moistened Plantation covering an area of 12510 acres (5065 ha) is located in Kasur district, 74 Km south-west of Lahore. It is situated between autonomy 31o 1’ to 31o 7’ north longitude 73o 56’ to 74o 4’ east latitude. It is bounded by Karachi – Lahore railway line from kilometer 1140 to 1148 on the north, agricultural lands of village Gandian on the east, patented areas of village Moujoki on the south and cultivations of Wan Khara on the west. Jambar –Chunian metalled road linking Chunian with Lahore – Karachi national throughfare permits through the north – west corner of the farmstead for 6.4 kms. Main Branch Lower of the Central Bari Doab Canal system runs complete the plantation for about 10 kms from Rd 434 to 466 and gulfs the estate into two distinct parts. 113 cusecs indorsed water is made accessible through the canal system. The conformation of the ground is more or less flat with a general slope from north – east to south – west. The parent material of the plantation consists of loose battered soil with an commixture of calcareous sediments. The soil is distinctive of the vast sedimentary prairies of Indus bar uplands. It is categorized by dark brown colour, silty clay soil quality, high absorbency and low penetrability. It is fairly deep, well exhausted and rich in plant nutrients. The pH of the profile varies from 7.6 to 8.1.The estate falls in the semi-arid, sub-tropical continental zone of central Punjab and is categorized by high temperature, low relative humidity, erratic and irregular rainfall. The summers from April to September are extremely hot while the winters from mid-November to end of January are adequately cold. The monsoons generally break during July and August when heavy showers of rain are conventional. Before conversion into an irrigated plantation, the area under Changa Manga reserve was environmentally a typical dry zone “Rakh”. Natural undergrowth of tropical thorn forest comprising of scattered growth of land (Prosopis cineraria), wan (Salvadora oleoides), karir (Capparis aphylla), rehru (Acacia leucophloea) and other xerophytic species characteristic of this forest type covered the land. Presently Shisham and Eucalyptus are the principal species growing over a major serving of the plantation area. Other species growing are Mulberry, hybrid-poplar, semal, bakain and kiker.Bamboo are also grown on experimental base. Every years about 500 acres are being afforestated/regenerated.

Exploring the Wild and Wonderful Forest of Changa Manga

Gifted with fertile land, the province of Punjab is home to lush green ranches and sufficiently of natural shrubbery. Some of the most striking forests and game reserves on earth are found in the region. The Changa Manga forest, which is thought to be one of the world’s largest man-made forests is also located here. In this blog, we are going to learn more about this captivating game reserve in Pakistan, but first of all, let’s take a look at some quick facts.

The Game Reserve Of Changa Manga – A Brief History

The farmstead of this wildlife reserve began more than a century ago in 1866. Between 1871 and 1872, Mr. B. Ribbentrop, who was the Inspector General of Forests in British India, studied the forest area of Changa Manga and identified the regions where long rooted bar trees could be planted. Forest garnering began in Changa Manga in 1881 as the full growth of the forest took around fifteen year.

Changa manga has a unique history

The name of the Changa Manga forest site has a very unique history

The name “Changa Manga” has a very inimitable history. It is actually based on folklore, the story about two brothers, known by the names of Changa and Manga. According to the tale, they were outlaws who used this dense man-made forest as a lodging to escape the law-enforcement authorities. They were a constant source of terror and remained quite popular among locals even after police caught them, which is why the forest location was termed after these two dacoits.

Tree Species In Changa Manga

the forest is home to different types of trees and animal species

Changa Manga is a perfect habitat for different types of wild animals and birds

Trees like Acacia Nilotica (Kikar), Eucalyptus (Safaidah), Morus Alba (White Mulberry), Dalbergia Sissoo (Sheesham) and a few species of Populus trees are found in the forest that makes it a perfect habitat for different types of wild animals and birds.

Wildlife Species In Changa Manga

Meanwhile it is one of the world’s oldest game reserve, you’ll come across different types of wildlife types in Changa Manga. The forest is home to animals like Indian peafowl, golden jackal, mouflon, nilgai and wild boar. There is also a preservation Centre dedicated to Gyps Vulture in the secluded area of the forest. The center is a part of the WWF Pakistan’s Gyps Vulture Restoration Programmed. Hence it can be said that Changa Manga is playacting a important role in preserving wildlife in Pakistan.

Recreation Activities In The Reserve             

The forest of Changa Manga is presently being observed after by the Punjab Forest Department, which has rehabilitated a large lump of this wildfire standby into a restoration park. Over the years, different types of tourist magnetisms have been additional to this place including a swimming pool, an artificial lake for boating, a mini zoo, a canteen and a motel running lodging facilities. All of the recreational spots in the park are linked with a tramway that runs all across it. Furthermore, the place also hosts a few beam and suspension bridges to facilitate the visitors exploring the park on foot.

With ample vegetation, a wide range of natural shrubbery, unbelievable wildlife species and different types of exciting outdoor activities, the Changa Manga forest has become a popular tourist magnetism. The entry to this wildlife reserve is free, however, you may have to pay ticket prices ranging from PKR 20 to PKR 400 for availing the recreation facilities available inside the park.

The calm natural environment of changa manga wildlife park with a variety of trees and animal species also makes this game reserve an interesting place to be explored by the individuals studying biological and environmental sciences to benefit their respective fields.

Meanwhile, serious efforts are underway to preserve greenery in Punjab and the rest of the country. For example, an urban forest is being grown within the heart of Lahore using Miyawaki Method, which is a Japanese technique. Also, different types of campaigns are running countrywide on both public and private levels to preserve the habitats of wildlife species and promote tree plantation in Pakistan.

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