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Sheesh Mahal | Lahore | Pakistan | Historical | Beautiful Mahal

Sheesh Mahal


Location      Lahore, Punjab ,Pakistan


The glorious  Sheesh Mahal  “The Palace of Mirrors” is situated within the Shah Burj block in northern-western corner of Lahore Fort. It was built under the sovereignty of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1631–32. The decorative white marble dome is inlaid with complex mirror-work of the premium quality. The hall was kept for personal use by the majestic family and close supporters. It is among the 21 honors that were constructed by succeeding Mughal emperors inside Lahore Fort, and forms the "ring in the Fort.  it stayed adorned as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1981.

Close up view of history and building material

The Sheesh Mahal was constructed by Emperor Shah Jahan. It was constructed in the middle of Jahangir's power. The impression, comprising of five cuspidal marble curves endorsed by paired columns, opens into the yard. The engrailed spandrils and centers are engraved with prized stones. The pavilion is in the form of a semi-octagon, and consists of apartments roofed with gilded cupolas and tortuously adorned with pietra dura and curved glass and mirror montage (ayina Kari) with thousands of small mirrors. At night they light candles. The attractive elements also include stucco design  and carved marble displays in geometric and coil designs. The roof of the central hall increases up to two stories. The hall was initially adorned with wall  paintings that were later substituted with glass montage in different colors.Coloured glass was also used throughout the interior. The Sheesh Mahal is intricately decorated with a numerous of reflective glass tiles. The building’s ceiling is also decorated with mirror-work. Sheesh Mahal, or "Palace of Mirrors," takes its name from the reflective glass tiles which embellish the interior.

Sheesh Mahal, in Urdu language, exactly means 'Crystal Palace'. Though, with its pietra dura streamers and elaborate mirror-work decorated into the white marble walls and ceilings generating shiny effect the extravagant room has come to be known as 'Palace of Mirrors', and occasionally the 'Hall of Mirrors'. Similar halls are also found in the fashionable palace of the Agra Fort, and display effect on the later accompaniments to Amber Fort.

Lahore Fort is on the UNESCO’s world inheritance list just for the reason that of this palace of mirrors and the portrait wall. Touring this palace you will realize thousands of blue, amber and clear mirrors glitter in the sunlight, producing thousands of echoes and if by accidental you are there at night, the whole palace would glow with objective one candle or light. That’s astonishing! The Sheesh Mahal is the innovative palace of valuable and the past would always rapid us about the story behind its building. It is a place whose rooms enthusiasm in a worshipers of light cast by thousands of tortuously cut and multi-colored glasses.

 I think that it was the Mughals who secure things in stylishness formation a difference and this palace is a proof of their elegance and stylishness. Many people do disapprove the Mughals for structure huge and comfortable buildings but at the same time we need to learn that since of these constructions and buildings Pakistan became extensive among the world and now thousands of travelers visit such places and add to the budget of Pakistan.

Currently let us go into the construction of this spectacular palace with a expansive hall in front and several rooms behind and on the sides. The chief landscapes of Shish Mahal are gold-plated work (placing of pure gold), pietra dura work (inset of semi-valuable stones into white marble), marble punched screens and the aiena kari (convex glass assortment work) with monabat kari (stucco tracery).  The palace had the Harm (lady portion) of the fort. The final hollow houses a marble screen beautiful carved out in tendril, floral and geometrical patterns. The marble stone chunks known as Sang-e-Musa, Sang-e-Abri and Sang-e-Badal add to the loveliness of roomy courtyard in the palace. The narrow water basin is constructed in the center of Sheesh Mahal which has four jet fountains, but now these are not functional.

 I wish the whole palace could be reinstated to its unique function someway and we could see its unique glory and splendor. The idea of mirror reproduces the costars and the maxima in the rooms present the panorama of a star lit sky at night. It must have been an amazing site in old times and I wish we could see that charisma. The external wall of the Sheesh Mahal is the depiction wall which presents the beautiful medley watercolors that depict ordinary sport of the Mughal princes for the pleasure of the people who used to gather underneath the fort not only to have a view of the ruler sitting in the Jharokha, but also to esteem the braininess of colors on the wall.

If you attitude in one of the angles of the Sheesh Mahal you will have an unresolved view of the Badshahi Masjid, Samadhi of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh and the Minar-e-Pakistan now in Superior Iqbal Park. It’s a splendid view portraying the phases of history

Outdoor up finished the enormous elephant stairs, right following to the representation wall, you will range the well-known Sheesh Mahal or the Palace of Mirrors, which is one of its types in the world and astonishingly tray now no one might make out how it was built and what factual was used as mirror in it. Some designers and environmentalists say that it was some kind of mercury element used as mirror in this building and that is why it is still intact. It is one of the most royal palaces of the Mughal old-fashioned and people from all over the world come to see and study this residence.

If you attitude in one of the crooks of the Sheesh Mahal you will have an unresolved view of the Badshahi Masjid, Samadhi of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh and the Minar-e-Pakistan now in Greater Iqbal Park. It’s a superb opinion portraying the stages of history.  Few copies of this bastion of emulates were complete in the havelis of Lahore like haveli of Chief Sultan inside Delhi Gate and Victoria School but the splendor could not be coordinated. The love story behind its building is also as exclusive as its structure. The Palace of Mirrors or Sheesh Mahal was built under the management of Asif Khan for Emperor Shah Jahan in 1631-32 A.D. 

It is supposed that Shah Jahan got it built for his adored queen Mumtaz Mahal when she lived in Lahore. Inappropriately, before she could step into the palace she approved away and Shah Jahan had to order the building of Taj Mahal in India. Rendering to orientations she died in 1631 and the palace was completed in 1632 and this left Shah Jahan inconsolable.

Sheesh Mahal similar many other parts of Lahore Fort might not seepage the doses and variations during the Sikh and British rules. During the Sikh historical Maharajah Ranjeet Singh used the rooftop of Sheesh Mahal as a ‘harem’ where he would sit in panache and show the ‘Koh-e-Noor’ ornament. It is said that he also deceased in the similar room which is still whole and one can go there finished a narrow staircase. These additions on the top of Sheesh Mahal added load that made the structure weak and the roof began to depreciate and misshapen at one time. Significant versions say that in 1904-05, the plaster from the ceiling of main veranda fell apart, revealing the deterioration of interior wooden beams and the corroding roof. At this stage, the building was listed by the department of archaeology of British people India in 1927 and the overhaul work was approved out.

 Like glitches rose in 1960s and were determined through minor repairs. In 1975, Sheesh Mahal was registered as a endangered monument under the Antiquities Act by Pakistan’s Department of Archaeology and in 1981 UNESCO professed it as a World Heritage Site. In 2006 the construction was reinstated by distant backing and specialists of Department of Archaeology, but now over it is attractive feeble and the current consultant having the managerial control of Lahore Fort, Enclosed City of Lahore Specialist is planning a complete plan for its preservation along with the upkeep of summer palace, Sheesh Mahal’s basement and depiction wall.

At present, the Sheesh Mahal has been floodlit with small lights and electric candles by the Walled City of Lahore Specialist and any one successful to antiquity by night tour of Lahore fort can see the sparkling Sheesh Mahal. I reason it’s a must appointment place for anybody who has unused.

Sheesh Mahal

The added constructions conducted out through the consequent Sikh and British rules of Punjab on the topmost of Sheesh Mahal added to the dead load that made the structure exposed to ruin. In 1904-05, the covering from the ceiling of main porch dropped away from each other, revealing the decay of inner wooden girders and the crumbling roof. At this stage, the building was listed by the department of archaeology of British India in 1927 and the renovation work was brought out.

 Related problems occurred in 1960s and were solved through minor repairs 1975, Sheesh Mahal was registered as a protected shrine under the Relics Act by Pakistan's Department of Archaeology however in 1981, as part of the larger Lahore Fort Complex, it became adorned as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was not until 2006 that the complications of the ceiling were broadly resolved and the structure was restored.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information cited in this blog has been obtained from the official website and Facebook page  of sheesh Mahal. Therefore, the entry ticket prices and other rates are topic to change at the decision of the resort organization.

Note: All the images have been traced from the official face book page of Sheesh Mahal.

if you plan a visit to the sheesh Mahal you might be visit Lahore Fort.

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